Who is NiceFuture ?

NiceFuture is a non profit association recognized as being in the public interest. Since it was founded in 2002, the association has been creating projets to bring about sustainable changes in our society. Our approach is to gather stakeholders and then to communicate and to implement projects and concrete actions towards sustainability. The Earth Festival, The Ethical Shopping Guide, Slow Design & Fashion Days, and the Sustainable Development Barometer are some of the projects that we have been leading successfully for several years.


Event organization

Barbara Steudler, head of G21 Project and editor of NiceFuture Magazine, director of the Association NiceFuture
Nour El Mesbahi, communications manager for the G21 and deputy editor of NiceFuture Mag, NiceFuture Association
Letitia Guigard, assistant of internal and projects coordinator for NiceFuture Mag and the G21, NiceFuture Association
Liborio Mogavero, administrative director, NiceFuture Association
Nanes Thilliaiampalam responsible for sponsoring and Enterprise Forum, Association NiceFuture
Sandrine Fattebert Karrab journalist for NiceFuture Mag, NiceFuture Association
Cécile Amoos, editor for NiceFuture Mag, NiceFuture Association
Antonin Chevalley, communications officer for the G21, NiceFuture Association
Melanie Lauper, community manager and web content editor, NiceFuture Association
Luc Perroud, graphic, NiceFuture Association
Laurette Fischer, Treasurer NiceFuture Association
Hervé Naillon, public relations for the NiceFuture Mag and the G21, NiceFuture Association
Luciano Agbomemewa, webmaster

The organization is coordinated with EPFL through the support of:
François Vuille, EPFL, Development Director of the Energy Centre
Christophe Leyvraz, EPFL, Swiss Tech Convention Center, Head of Marketing & Sales

Leadership Forum Programming

Barbara Steudler, Director NiceFuture
Jean Laville, President of NiceFuture and CEO of Swiss Sustainable Finance
René Longet, Vice President of GIS
Jonathan Norman, co-founder of B Lab Codethic
Aymeric Jung, Director of Slow Money
Dominique Bourg, Professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, University of Lausanne
François Vuille, EPFL, Development Director of the Energy Centre
Luc Recordon, former adviser to the States
Yves Loerincik, founder Quantis, director Eqlosion
Richard Mesple, Director of SIREN
Claude Béglé, CEO SymbioSwiss, National Councillor


Association NiceFuture
Castel de Bois Genoud
Route de Bois Genoud 36
1023 Crissier

Phone +41 (0)21 647 25 29
Fax +41 (0)21 647 25 31
